Let’s see, New Year’s resolutions. I have given this quite a lot of thought and this is the first year I’ll try to make some resolutions, but I’m having hard time picking just one, so here goes: I’ll better my Dutch . I have already signed up for a conversation based learning course. Yesterday I talked to my taxi driver, an Afghan man who has been living in the Netherlands for 20 years and he thought I was Dutch. So my level doesn’t fully suck, but I also know some Dutch people who think I butcher the language to this date, so I gotta become so awesome that I can tell them to suck it. Last month I read about a guy whose New Year’s resolution for 2015 was to exercise a certain amount of hours during the year (I believe it was 150 hours) and since I started off last August quite nicely with adding regular exercise to my life, but somewhere in November when me or one of the kids were constantly ill, I stopped trying so hard, I decided it’s about time to get back on track. I sti...