What should I do with my Life?

I bought a book a while back by Po Bronson called "What Should I do with my Life?" The cover was bright-red and when I picked it up, I knew it was the red color psychologically triggering me to pay attention to it. I'm glad I gave in to this marketing trick. The book is not a novel, nor is it a self-help book claiming to have all the answers, but a collection of stories of how people realized their true potential or found a meaning to their lives. There are some who struggled for decades, some who did massive career changes and then there are some who followed the obvious path that they had been ignoring for a while. The book doesn't give direct answers, but it provided so much insight (at least to me) that I felt it truly helped me understand myself better. If I ever was delusional about having an epiphany at one point of my life about my true calling, I realized after reading the book that most likely it wouldn't unfold that way for me. ...