I removed all of my Instagram followers to feel free to be authentically me

Tonight I removed all of my followers on Instagram. It was a private account with some 200+ followers, but I admit, removing most of them actually hurt. I did it, because Instagram was no longer the social media I began using in July 2012. In the beginning I would only post pictures of our every day life. Whenever my children were in the photos, I would photograph them so that you couldn't see their faces. Then somewhere in the middle I turned my then public account into a private one and started to share more open content. Over the years I've posted nearly 4000 pictures of our every day life. In the end I realized I was looking at the number of people liking my posts rather than the posts and trying to understand why the adorable picture of my kid got three likes, or the actually very beautiful picture of a make-believe satellite received full two likes, while someone's black and white picture of a cake - that would be impossible to understand was cake without the desc...