Day 3: Kitchen equipment

I really stalled this one. I only started to clean the oven after dinner and the rest (microwave, coffee machine, table tops, stove etc) I only did when the kids were already sleeping.

Today the biggest challenge was to get the oven clean and I must say I'm not completely happy with the results. To get the stains out, I made a paste according to Pinterest that was supposed to basically let me wipe the dirt off. First of all the paste wasn't as pasty as I was hoping for, although I followed the recipe exactly. I let the paste in the oven for half an hour and then I wiped the foamy paste off, but the change wasn't drastic at all. I had scrub the trays by hand over the sink, which must be one of the most annoying household works. The glass of the oven remained yellowish and the bottom tray that is there to catch any drips remained stained, but at least it's as clean as I could get it. In the future I won't attempt another one of these pastes as any regular way of cleaning the oven is as effective, if not even more effective than the Pinterest inspired paste (water + baking soda + dishwasher soap).

The top picture was taken when there was still plenty of outdoor light coming in. The bottom picture is taken with artificial lighting, so it automatically doesn't look as fresh, although it's the after-shot. But hey, at least I have a big oven, which I love.

This scrubbing today was extra work on top of washing three machines full of laundry, cleaning one kid's bedroom that had gotten out of hand, vacuuming, cooking, doing the dishes and of course taking care of the kids. The extra cleaning, I must say, really hit me hard. At one point I dropped a huge pile of freshly washed laundry on the floor and while I was picking it up, it took me good 30 seconds to gather the willpower to continue with the laundry. I'm not sure whether this decluttering challenge is super good for me, as it makes me feel really overwhelmed with housework. I feel I already do so much and this is just adding to the pile and not letting me have a rest at all.

I started to wonder if this is all I'm good for. Doing so much housework almost feels like an insult to myself. I think it's essential to look after your home - to a degree! But especially if you have kids or pets or something that constantly adds to the chaos, it's okay to have a little messy here and there. It means you value your sanity above having it all topnotch. And although our house is never really in order these days, pushing myself every day with a rather large extra task honestly feels very draining and demeaning. In other words I have yet to find the empowering effect in all this... I can only hope tomorrow brings a change.


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