My five pet peeves

I did a similar writing challenge in February. Back then I had to write down my top three pet peeves, which were 1) People who feel the need to fall into the role of a victim, 2) Chewing with mouth open and 3) Narrating what I'm doing when I'm already doing something. Now it's time to write about five more pet peeves, which is turning up to be a challenge, since even for those three I really had to dig deep, but here goes: 1) Complaining for the joy of complaining. If you complain, I'll try to figure out how I could be helping you out, or what might be a solution to your problem. It's just an idea and means nothing else than "please, it's not the end of the world". Although complaining can be fun, mostly it's exhausting for both the listener AND the one who's doing the complaining. I fall for this occasionally too, so it's only understandable sometimes, as long as it's not a way of life. Funnily enough, pet peeves are all more o...