Five ways to win my heart

1. Be bold with your sense of humor. Say the weirdest things out loud. Generally being funny works very well. (Although I should mention, if our values are very far apart, these methods will never work.)

2. Give me something yummy, such as a really good pizza.

3. Know something about my kids or my life that I'd possibly expect you to not have paid attention to.

4. Tell me something I don't know. Something interesting or mind-boggling. Show me how frigging intelligent you are. Tell me you heard something and thought of me. (Hopefully something nice though. I mean if you heard a fact about cows and then proceed to tell me you thought of me, I might not warm up so easily.)

5. Be authentic and treat people around you well.


Extra: Pronounce my name correctly. Maybe even toss in a few words of Finnish in a conversation that you've obviously learned just for me. My first language is not one of those that everyone knows a little bit, so it really impresses me when someone goes the extra mile to learn even a few words.


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