To an ex

Today's writing challenge is made for someone other than me, but I'll write a little about it nonetheless. The subject is "things I want to say to an ex". I've always been a rather easy about my exes.

So here goes:
- There were reasons why I chose to be with you. I still appreciate these attributes in you and I'm sure there are plenty of others who do too.
- Thank you for making me grow.
- Thank you for all those times you believed in me.
- Thank you for all those good times.
- I hope you remain to have good memories too.
- I hope you are happy. / I hope you find your happiness.

I don't feel the need to dwell in the past. The people I have known have unknowingly prepared me for future whether those are ex-boyfriends or otherwise ex-friends that no longer are an active part of my life. All of those people needed to be in my life at those times for me to find myself where I am today. Above all, thank you for existing.



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