May Gratitude Challenge: smell

Today's question is what smell am I grateful for.

Bananas. I don't know where that came from.

Strawberries, spinach and feta with balsamic vinegar. Also known as my dinner.

Fresh laundry. It smells even better when it dries in the wind.

My kids hair even when they are supposedly in a need of a wash.

Popcorn in the movie theater. Freshly cleaned hotel room. New car.

Spring. Autumn. Christmas. Cinnamon. Tulips. Fire place. Sauna. Tar. Birch.

My hand cream that smells amazing.

Coffee. Oh F* *K yeah coffee!

Clean toilet. Fresh sheets on bed. Lavender.

Musk (all versions of it probably).


Smoked salmon. Forest. Mushrooms. After the rain smell.

Miles when he's sweaty.

Parmesan. Freshly baked pizza.

Wooden furniture. Books. Leather.

Mom's cooking. Chocolate.

Cigar. Freshly cut grass. Marsh Labrador tea.

Clear, cold night. Juniper. Snowy day.

Watermelon. BBQ. Sandy beach. Freshly made tarmac.

Turns out there are so many wonderful smells in the world. To quote one of my favorite bloggers, Tim Urban, who write a great piece:

"Cool fact: smell is the function of the olfactory bulb and is the most ancient of the senses. Unlike the other senses, smells is located deep in the limbic system, where it works closely with the amygdala and hippocampus - which is why smell is so closely tied to memory and emotion."

This is the reason why when you read some of those words I wrote, it took you back to a certain place, a time, a memory. Smell also happens to be the easiest sense to remember. Just think of the smell of autumn and it hits you somewhere at the back of your mind like no other sense could.

And then there are the unpleasant smells. Dog poo on your shoe, rice burning at the bottom of your pan, the bitter smell of black adder. Those smell bad, but are there to tell you to do something. Clean it up, pay attention, watch out. In the end, I'm not only grateful for a bunch of different good smells, I'm grateful for the sense that enables all the good and the bad smells. The whole spectrum has its life saving and life made worth while functions embedded in our limbic system.

Can you smell the burning wood just by looking at this picture?


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