Sights for sore eyes

Today's gratitude challenge is to answer what sights I'm grateful for today in particular. Since it's Mother's Day, this is one of the sights I captured today that I'm incredibly grateful for:

The kids were enjoying themselves immensely. After swimming my daughter came to sit next to me and her grin was from ear to ear when she said to me "this is the best day ever!" We rarely let them play in this water, because during summer algae grows there and a lot of birds use the beach as a toilet, but since it's only the beginning of summer, the water is cold, but on the plus side there's no algae or birds yet.

I was also woken up to the most wonderful sight one could wish for. My kids climbed over me to wake me up for my special day and they were just so full of life and energy and excitement. Finally it was their chance to give me the things they had been making, and their artworks, paper flower bouquets and self made coupons were so beautiful, too!

On the left is another sight that made me grateful today. Not only it's my husband Miles riding our cargo bike with both of our boys in it (you can only see one, but the other one's almost hidden behind him), it's also clearly summer!

We have been waiting for the weather to get warmer for such a long time now and for the last few days we've actually managed to go outside without thick jackets on.

Other random sights I've been grateful for today:
- Fridge full of food (no need to go grocery shopping).
- Home-cooked meal served right in front of my face (by Miles).
- Clean floors (also courtesy of Miles).
- WhatsApp messages from people I love.
- Great bike parking spot when going to the cinema.
- A birthday invitation to my daughter.
- The tree in front of our house is finally fully green. It took very long.
- The faces my kids make when they tell jokes.
- All the ten Tesla Model S cars I saw today.

I'm so grateful this is my life and these are the things I got to see today. It was a great Mother's Day for sure...


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