Those who I'm grateful for to have in my life

It's the phone call, the message, the card in the mail, the letter from a person whose handwriting I recognize immediately. It's the teacher that takes the time to help my children to be the best versions of themselves. It's that person who says a kind word, that who helps unconditionally, that who includes, invites. It's the person that celebrates your victories and hugs you surprisingly. That person who asks you to go out to enjoy life and that person who comes to your house and helps you take care of business. It's also the person who rubs me the wrong way and with this teaches me immensely about myself and life.


As a matter of fact, I'm grateful for people in general in my life. The older I get, the more I get that we need all kinds of people and circumstances in our lives. Stars need the darkness to shine not only metaphorically, but in reality. If you only experience one side of everything, you can't truly define what you're experiencing. Good is not good if you have no idea what bad is. And most importantly, we all humans have both aspects in our being. No one is fully good or bad, but something in the scale in between those two extremes. Acknowledging this means you learn to forgive yourself and others for all shortcomings, but there are more effecting ways of learning to be merciful to others too.

I read this story now some years ago for the first time. I still think about it every day. What if that man preparing my coffee right now actually is just a version of me? Or I'm a version of him. Retrospectively we are experiencing different nature and nurture, but what if the inner core of him is the same inner core that lights my thoughts? What if my children are me/I am them? My parents? Buddha? Musk! Trump... You reading this is me reading this. You thought and wrote this, too. And in a way, it makes more sense than anything else. Karma stops being just a funny thing to exclaim, because ultimately what you do to someone else, you are literally doing to yourself, good or bad. In scientific terms we to this day have no clue where our consciousness derives from. Time doesn't really exist outside our own limited linear understanding of it. We are build of stardust and nothingness at the same time. We are energy that never ceases to exist.

To the whos that matter the most in my life:

Footsteps approaching, he snuggles in between of us.
It's dark, but he finds his safe space with his fingers tangled up in my hair.
On the other side a familiar rhythm of breath.
And his fragrance that is home to me.
In the morning the soft hand on my cheek tells me she's awake.
She smiles at me and wishes good morning.
The smallest wakes up to the sounds of us waking up, waddles from his room.
He reaches his arms out to me without saying a word, knowing I know he wants me to carry him.


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