My twelve 30 Day Challenges in 2017
I signed up for a 30 Day Challenge through Notes from the Universe. I'll get my first assignment/activity sometime tomorrow in my email and it's aimed at helping me to get closer to my dreams. Because I don't still know very much what it's about, I'll combine it with this simple challenge called "The thirty day water challenge". I take one cup is around 2,5 deciliters, so each day in January I need to be sure to gradually drink about two full liters of water. Because it's ten in the evening on the first day of January as I'm writing this, I won't do the day one today (also because drinking a lot of water at once can cause water intoxication). The 2nd of January will be my Day 1. I suck at drinking enough water, so I'm curious to see how I'll handle it and if I'll notice significant differences.
For February I have chosen a writing challenge, because I like writing and I need to be challenged more with it. Although February only has 28 days, I'll skip the Day 6 "Five ways to win your heart" (this is coming up later in another writing challenge) and will simply bump the last challenge to the 1st of March that has 31 days.
This is my March challenge. Omfg. But yes, I need to get out of my comfort zone, so I'm doing this.
In April it's time to do a proper spring cleaning.
In May I'll do a gratitude challenge.
The second writing challenge is happening in June.
July will partially be our holiday month, so I needed to pick a challenge I can do wherever. Music challenge it is! It's a few days too short, but I'll make sure to use those extra days to post about the songs I really wanted to post about, but that wouldn't fit any given criteria.

And because our holidays continue to August as well, another challenge is needed that doesn't need a location for it to happen, so crikey, I'm up for another exercise challenge.
September is for kindness.
My husband and I will celebrate our relationship milestone in October, so what better challenge for the month than a 30 Day Relationship Challenge.
My December challenge is about drawing. I like drawing, but I don't do it a lot, so why not challenge myself with something unusual.
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