TUT 30 Day Challenge and Water Challenge - Day 4

"Our thoughts become things", says Mike Dooley on day four on "Love Your Life" challenge. Today's assignment is to create a vision board. I have never actually made one, other than my Pinterest boards, which I looked up for this occasion. I have a few boards that might be suitable for this occasion, such as my Dreaming board, which is mostly about places I'd feel home at, and some of the pins are materialistic things that I want to own. And my Happy board, which is mostly about moments that bring a sort of a inner peace when looking at them.  

When I was scrolling through these, I thought I should probably look at them more often, and I should pick out those that hold more meaning than others. My January resolution will be to scroll through these particular Pinterest boards more often and honestly evaluate each pinned thing to come up with the best possible vision board. 

Water Challenge: Day 4 

Almost three liters today. Makes it easier when I remember to bring my own massive bottle with me wherever I go.


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