TUT 30 Day Challenge and Water Challenge - Day 2

My 2nd day challenge from Notes from the Universe was something to do with "my themes". I received a message about it last night, but my connection was not stable enough for me to watch the video, so I only read some bullet points of it. Today, as I'm running one day later than everyone else with this "Love Your Life in 30 Days Project", I cannot find the 2nd day anywhere for me to really understand what I'm supposed to do, so I'm only left at winging it.

My themes for my year 2017: gratitude, authenticity & development. 

Last year was mentally and physically challenging, but it really made me be more honest to myself. For a long time I've searched for a calling and last year I came to terms with what I wanted to be. As cheesy as it echoed in my head, I felt (and still feel) that I'm a writer. I learned to read at the age of three and I was writing my first stories at four years of age. It simply has always been within me. I just have never published anything, nor have I made any money with writing. I have gotten a lot of feedback over the years, both positive and negative, but none of it has ever changed my passion for writing, because writing is fueled by the fire within me and not by those around me. Even when I thought writing as a career option was cheesy, I did not stop writing, I just didn't believe I could turn it into a career. But now I finally do.

Gratitude was probably my biggest lessons last year. This year I'm taking it with me and shouting it at the rooftops. Gratitude is the only thing that will make a person truly appreciate what they are and what they have at the present moment, which is vital for happiness.

Authenticity is important. When I draw, I'm never authentic. I copy ideas and mix and match. If I want to draw a chicken, I'll google for chickens and take a part here and there. I would find it extremely difficult to draw a chicken out of my head just like that, so that the end result would actually look like a chicken. The same was true for me about cooking and baking for a long time. I replicated recipe after recipe and now, after ten years of active cooking and baking, I'm finally at the point that I can take ingredients and turn them into a dish without having to follow a certain recipe. Writing, however, has always been a personal thing for me. Obviously I get influenced by ideas everywhere, but the process and results are the fruits of my labor.

Development is what I need to keep on pushing this year. I need to get better and I need to learn, reach new heights and grow.

Water Challenge: Day 2

I drank around 2,5 liters of water today no problem. Still feel less hungry and more energized. Maybe there's something to this...


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