Day 13: Movies I never get tired of watching
I watch all sorts of movies, but I still have somewhat superficial taste what comes to them. I don't analyze them too much. I only look at my overall feeling after seeing the movie and go from there. This said, here are the movies I never get tired of watching.
1. Forest Gump
I have seen it probably around 10 times by now. I used to watch it a lot more often when I was younger and last year I watched it after not having seen it in a decade. Although I remembered what happens after each scene, there was a level of information I had completely missed when I was watching it as a younger self.
2. All the Jurassic Park movies
I just love watching movies and documentaries about dinosaurs and in these particular movies the animals are nicely visualized.
3. Harry Potter -series
Currently my daughter is getting into Harry Potter and I've seen the first few movies a LOT lately. Yet I still might just stop and watch a scene I already know by heart.
4. The Matrix
I remember when this first came out it was exciting as hell. I loved it from the moment I saw it and only in recent years the idea has really started to open up to me. Last year I watched all three of the Matrix movies, but will not be wasting my time by watching the sequels again in the future.
5. Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back
In December and January I watched all the Star Wars movies for the first time ever. This episode was the one that made my jaw drop onto the floor and none of the other ones, not even the most recent, Rogue One, could live up to it.
6. Interstellar
I love space movies and this is one of the best ones, if not THE best one I've seen so far. Although the physics are a bit shaky (I did some background digging), the ideas are still amazingly well thought and presented. To top it all the movie is visually very appealing.
7. La Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain.
We almost named our daughter Amelie because of this movie. Well, to be fair, this is her second name. That's how much me and my husband love this movie.
8. Every year during certain holidays I watch some movies to make it feel like the holiday. Christmas doesn't feel like Christmas until I've seen the first Home Alone movie and Halloween feels much more like Halloween after Hocus Pocus.
9. There are a bunch of kids' movies I've loved, but my kids have watched some of them so often that I have lost interested in them a little, at least for a while. Zootopia, Frozen and Toy Stories are among the best ones nonetheless.
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