February writing challenge - Day 2: Some things I never forgot

Today's assignment is to write something that someone once said to me about myself that I never forgot. I'm starting to question my capacity. It feels like I can't remember anything! Is it because nothing of an importance was never said to me? That cannot be it. I know people have said a lot of things to me about me throughout my life, both good and not so good things. Is it because I haven't slept properly in over nine years? Could be, actually...

"I have never made friends with anyone as fast as I made friends with you." - A friend long time ago.

"Are you still being desperate about having a boyfriend?" - My then roommate's boyfriend who thought I was desperate, because I didn't have a boyfriend for almost two years.

"You really learn fast!" my personal Italian teacher, who after making this statement made me study Latin and Russian too, because she thought I could learn three languages at once. (I couldn't.)

"Did you walk here or did you roll?" - A dude in high school about my appearance. He has since apologized and we're friendly.

"You look like an angel!" followed by instant sobbing of a new classmate on my first day at an Italian school.

"You can't sing." - My then friend, now husband a long time ago. But he's wrong (as husbands often are, haha).

"Sometimes you say the dumbest things and the next moment you say something really smart." - A friend last year.

"Mom, you're really funny!" - Someone in this household who understands my comedy.

To be honest, it was very hard to come up with the good ones. The first ten things I remembered from the past were all really bad ones. Towards the end it became much easier to remember some of the good things, too.


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