White noise for sleeping - my 10 strange findings

Lately I have been looking for ambient background noises for meditating. My favorites are rain on a tin roof and rain sounds, ocean waves and distant thunder noises. Today I noticed YouTube is really going at it with me, because it started to recommend all different sleeps sounds. I was offered Starship sleeping quarters white noise and a 10-hour-long video with the sound of a fan.

Of course this only got me more curious and I wanted to see what were the strangest ambient white noise sound clouds I could find on YouTube.

All of these videos had people who liked them, so apparently they do work on some people and that's great.

Here's my TOP 10 strangest findings:

10. Antarctic Winds for 10 hours. Because nothing's as relaxing as -40C blizzard! However, listening to a howling wind is sort of relaxing, because you feel like a baby under your safe, warm blanket.

9. Hot Tub sounds. There must be a story behind why someone feels they needs to play the sound of a hot tub for ten hours straight to be able to sleep better. The sound is not bad, but I'd expect to be running to the toilet if I listened to this when falling asleep.

8. Airplane cabin white noise jet sounds. I think you gotta be a person who travels a lot to find this soothing. Whenever I sleep in the plane, my neck is jammed, my sleep is light and I do not enjoy it a lot, so personally I see no reason going back to that setting.

7. Frozen Arctic Ocean with Polar icebreaker idling. Yup, that's the title. It goes into the same category with the Antarctic Winds, but this one's just a bit creepier, because you can hear the ice crackling. Growing up in Finland that is somehow not a very soothing sound. Listening to this I'd be having nightmares about ice cracking under my feet. No thanks.

6. Tumble dryer. Now why on earth would I want to hear a tumble dryer when I could enjoy the sweet sound of the tumble dryer not spinning?! I guess if as a kid your room was next to the laundry room, this sound might bring a level of security to you, but to me it's only reminding that soon the cycle is done, the machine will beep and I need to get up to turn it off.

5. Shower. Rain? Nope. Shower. Bring it on! Nah, I much rather listen to rain sound clouds than a shower one. No matter how soft I turn the volume, this one still sounds so loud.

4. Hair dryer. It's 2017 and that means you can easily find a recording of 10 hours of the sound of a hair dryer on the internet. Pinnacle of what is available out there.

3. Engine room white noise for eight hours. Because a loud engine room is absolutely where I'd definitely want to go for a (8-hour) nap.

2. Vacuum cleaner. When I was an exchange student, one of my host moms used to wake me up by vacuuming behind my door during the weekend. The sound did not make me want to sleep like a log. Instead it got me bummed about waking up to a noise like that! I think this might work on sadists alone.

1. Jupiter Space Station rotating sounds. This is simple enough, very similar to the Starship sleeping quarters (not so surprisingly). I was just blown away we have already established a space colony around Jupiter. Whoooa! Hmm. I think I might need some sleep...



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