Day 21: Every day I'm shuffling

Because I don't have a proper playlist these days, but instead a bunch of small playlists here and there, on Spotify and YouTube, in the end I decided to use my zillion Spotify lists and let the shuffle choose one from each playlist until I got to ten shuffled songs as the assignment goes.

1. My Soundtrack for 2017 - This is a playlist I have created and these are songs I have liked this year. Not all of them are brand new, but most are.
OneRepublic - Let's Hurt Tonight
As usual, I like the music OneRepublic makes these days. Fun fact though: the lead singer of this band, Ryan Tedder, has produced and written songs for other artists as well. For example Leona Lewis' "Bleeding Love" and Beyoncé's "Halo" are his.

2. Viv's Playlist - yes, my daughter's playlist
JVG - Tarkenee
How do you know you're old? When you don't get the music your kids listen to. I like Finnish rap music, but I just think in the recent years I haven't found a newcomer artist that I'd really like. But that's okay. My daughter likes it and I don't have to.

3. My 2016 - Same as my soundtrack for 2017, so songs that made the year for me
DNCE - Cake by the Ocean
Already a year later this song sounds somehow nostalgic to me. I still like it a lot. I went to read a little bit behind the scenes and only now I realized the singer is from Jonas Brothers.

4. Italiano and romance - Playlist I created where I put all (mostly) Italian songs and some French, Spanish and Portuguese as well.
Baby K - Roma-Bangkok
A really catchy Italian song from 2015.

5. My 2015 playlist
Spanker, Dio, CHO - GUAP
Dutch rap music and it was actually really nice to hear this song after such a long time, despite the lyrics that are mostly about bitchez.

6. My 2014 playlist
Haloo Helsinki! - Vihaan kyllästynyt
Nice to actually have some more Finnish music in this shuffle game. Although Haloo Helsinki! is not one of my favorite bands, they are still quite nice. The title of this song is "Fed up with hatred".

7. My 2013 playlist
Erin - Ei taida tietää tyttö
This Finnish-Irish singer-songwriter started her career in Finland as a teenager with her friend. They used to sing nasally and people, especially truck drivers for some weird reasons, loved it a lot. When they grew up, Erin moved to Ireland to study music and after she returned to Finland she had found her own sound, which is really a nice really combination of both cultures.

8. My 2012 playlist - oh dear lord, have I been using Spotify this long already!
Compact Disco - Sounds of our hearts
The first song in this whole list I had to turn off, because I just couldn't stand listening to it any longer, so I won't even embed a video underneath. I really can't understand Tarja from 2012 at all. This is actually an Eurovision song from year, so that might explain why it made to my list. I even had to google which country's entry to Eurovision it was that year. Turns out it was Hungary's. Sorry Hungary, I didn't like your entry that year, but otherwise you're awesome!

9. Lalalaa - a playlist where I add only songs I like to sing along to
Egotrippi - Matkustaja
This used to be one of my favorite bands when growing up. The title of this song is "Traveler" and it has a very catchy guitar and lyrics. I almost got nostalgic listening to it.

10. Nederlands - a playlist where I add only Dutch songs
De Kraaien - Ik vind je lekker
I really do like some strange Dutch songs it seems. The title of this song is "I think you're hot".


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