Day 30 of the flat abs and 13 000 steps a day challenge

It's my last day. I just finished with my exercises, the steps came during the day without any effort. It seems I've finally learned to incorporate enough walking in my daily life without thinking about it too much. Yey, this month has truly taught me something! Walking the dog with Nate this afternoon in the sunshine. Today, as my last day of the 30 days flat abs challenge, my routine was supposed to be 22 times roll-ups, ankle reaches, leg lifts, reverse crunches and criss-crosses. I did most of it until my back started hurting again and replaced the remaining with planking and yoga. Although it didn't go exactly as planned, I can say I have achieved my goal! Mini-waves!! I bet you're wondering if I've lost weight, look fitter etc. Personally, I don't think so. But the shirt I wore yesterday didn't feel too tight as it has in the past, so one could say I'm moving in the right direction at least. I was also supposed to be drinking the minimum ...