Day 11: Resting and restarting

Today I napped for two hours with my 3-year-old, Nate, and freaked out in the evening for not having walked enough. Because I took my daughter, Viv, for a walk last week, it was my middle one's, Filip's, turn this time. He took his step scooter with him to make it more worthwhile and we walked/scooted all the way to the center of our city together.

Photographed this today during our evening walk. I have about seven photos of my Filip posing in different places in the city center, but unfortunately couldn't use any of them on this blog for his anonymity.

When we reached the center, he complained about hunger just around the corner of the grocery store (not calculative move at all says the gullible mom) and I was weak enough to agree to Filip's wishes as he was having an awesome evening out with mommy. So I took him to the store, bought him a piece of chocolate he requested, sat on the bench for an eternity while Filip was nibbling on it and walked back home.

He didn't want to walk further with me, but I wasn't finished with my evening walk, so after I took him back home and said cheerio to Miles, once again, and went on for another few kilometers. 

While I finished my walk, it was the first substantial alone time alone with my thoughts that day and boy was that worth it! I came up with an idea to subsidize another idea, which yet still needs a kickstarter, but that's okay. I'm optimistic enough to come up with a solution to that one as well at one point or another.

Napping time: two hours with my baby
Steps: 14 009
Movie watched tonight with husband: The Adjustment Bureau on Netflix. (I do recommend.)


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