Day 13: Over the hurdle

I finally figured out why I've been feeling so out of balance the last few days. Today two out of three kids stayed home from school with a list of complaints ranging from belly ache to headache and unfortunately I joined their whiny choir.

As I woke up, I was already feeling pretty sick, but since Miles took Nate to playschool, I told Viv and Filip to take it easy for an hour while I tried to sleep off my feeling. It only made matters worse and I woke up from my nap feeling even sicker.

But somehow gradually it then started to get less and less and by the time it was afternoon, I was able to stand up and function almost normally.

I had been mentally preparing myself for having to skip the steps today, but when it was eight in the evening and I was still missing 9000 steps from my goal (because I had been basically just trying to find a horizontal position that would not make matters worse), I decided I was feeling good enough to go for a quick walk.

And I got to my target after all! So mini-celebrations to me!


Steps: Around 13 500.


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