Day 28: Recap

Today started with a surprise phone call from Miles. "Hon, do you know anything about Nicky's birthday party today?" He had taken Filip to school and Nicky's mom said she had received no confirmation from our part about her daughter's party. We, on the other hand, hadn't even seen an invitation. I quickly contacted Nicky's mom and she told me where and when. To make matters a tad more complicated, Miles was supposed to bring Filip straight after school to his appointment to pick up his new passport. I was supposed to come home from school with our daughter and her friend, who had been planning this particular playdate for a week now.

At school Miles got Filip and Viv told me she's going to play at her friend's Dolores' house instead. It was just me and Nate. When Nate realized at school Filip was going to party and Viv was going to spend an afternoon having a blast at someone else's house, the little fellow cried so hard people literally turned to look where the sound of a foghorn was coming from.

Few hours in, I had to do the pick-up round, then the quick cleaning around the house and by the time I was done, my sister-in-law arrived with her husband to bring their dog to stay with us for a week and a half. When they were here, I had to leave to join two of my friends for pre-movie drinks followed by The Beauty and The Beast (which was great). After the movies, at 11pm I dropped by another friend's house to pick up some cheese she brought for my kids from Finland and by the time I got home, I had promised my husband to take the dog out.

Needless to say, I didn't have to do any extra laps with the dog to get to the target amount of steps.

This awesome fluffy wonderfulness is ours to take care for the next week and a half.

Steps: 14 273


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