Day 19: Busy day procrastinating

How did it come to this? It's nearly 2am and I'm only starting to write my update. Let's see: it was a busy day at the indoor playground, cycling to the center for an ice cream, cycling to the center yet again to buy some shoes for my son(s)... which means we found shoes Filip loves (Skechers that have blinking lights), but not shoes that Nate would love. Nate also wanted "lamp shoes" as he referred to them, but unfortunately they didn't make them in his size. Any shoe after that was ultimately boring.

In the evening I had to do a small lap around the town to reach my steps. No strange encounters this time. I realized I still had some music stored on the memory card from my previous phone from two years ago, so I listened to a bunch of semi-old hit songs during my walk and a whole lot of Lauryn Hill, which seemed to be responsible for a half playlist. Not complaining at all though. I really love her music.


But yes, it's now 2 o'clock in the night and I have yet to do my exercises. I got caught with binge-watching an Australian comedy series called Please like me on Netflix with husband after kids were tugged in, surfing for a new case for my phone, working on some stuff I'd been meaning to do all weekend, and I just forgot the rest. I'm still going to do the exercises though, although technically it's not day 19 anymore.

Steps: 14 299


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