Day 9: Fibonacci broccoli got my attention
Because it was turning out to be a very relaxed day, I decided to add some action to the morning. My son was helping me with cleaning up the master bedroom and together with me he moved the bed under the ceiling window (he sat on the bed while yelling commands at me). This activity alone, cleaning up, vacuuming, moving books and toys around, was enough to grant me a lot of steps.

During the day when I was presented with a choice of an elevator or the stairs, I automatically chose the stairs just to gain my necessary steps. This choice made me realize that if anything, these goals can guide to better choices in daily habits, which to be honest, is a lot more than I expected of the challenge.
As lazy as I was hoping the day shaping up to be, it wasn't. Steps were easy, so were the exercises, but somehow I just can't take it too easy; apparently I need to move a bed that weighs a ton to feel I've accomplished something.
Steps: 15 123
Activity: Cleaning master bedroom - keeping downstairs organized - bringing daughter to breakdance class - walking around the center
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