Day 4: Walking like a tourist
13 649 is the number of steps today. The best thing about this number though? It's a prime number!
To be honest it didn't just happen. I was stuck at 13 641 steps for a while trying to add the necessary extra eight steps to it to get to the closest prime number. (Why though? For no reason.) When I walked around and around and managed to add zero numbers I realized my tracker sucks. Only when I exaggerated my moves in the living room, it picked them up.
My mom also has a step counter. Hers was over 13 000 in the afternoon and we walked more or less the same distance today. At that point mine was at 8000 steps, so it's apparently perfectly possible my step counter only records two thirds of the steps I take. Either that or my mom's watch is overly sensitive. Hers is much cooler though, so I do think it's more accurate than mine.
Today we had a somewhat touristic day. The kids wanted to show their grandma our botanical garden, so walked there, walked around it, walked back home. In the afternoon my mom was adjusting to me and told we could skip the bikes for me to reach my goal, so we walked to a pottery factory and took a small tour there and walked back home. In the evening we cycled to the center, walked there a bit, ate there and cycled back home. Despite all this effort I needed to go for a good old walk in the evening to reach my goal.
I see nothing wrong with adding some exercise, but I do wish I had a sufficient way of measuring it all. Now it's just frustrating to be working on something and not reaching it not because lack of trying, but because I just can't track it properly.
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